The World of Dragonwrath!

Custom Stuff!

Race-as-Class: Gnome


Gnomes are relatives of the Dwarves and Halflings, and many Humans might simply refer to the Gnomes as Dwarves, or more commonly, Woods Dwarves. They have outsized noses, earth-brown skin tones, and jug-handle ears. Their beards are usually brown, black, grey, and white. Their eyes tend to be brown as well. Gnomes weigh about 100 lbs and stand at 3’ in height, they also tend to speak in a “Scottish” accent. The prime requisites for Gnomes are Wisdom and Charisma. A Wisdom or Charisma score of 13 will result in a 5% bonus to earned experience. A score of 13 or greater in both Wisdom and Charisma will result in a 10% bonus in earned experience.


Gnomes may not exceed 6th level and use six-sided dice (d6) for HD. Gnomes may only wear leather armor but may use any weapon of normal or small size, but may not use long bows nor two-handed swords. Gnomes must have a minimum Wisdom score and Charisma score of 9.


Gnomes are clever and small creatures and have better saving throws than most other character classes (Save as Dwarf). Gnomes typically live in the Old Woods amongst other Faerie-folk. They have infravision for 60’. They are also expert trackers, due to their heightened sense of smell, and are able to track creatures one-third of the time (2 – in – 6) as well as detect slanting passages one-third of the time (2 – in – 6). Gnomes also are knowledgeable of pagan magic and are able to construct rings of standing stones that protect them from harm (treat as Protection from Evil spell). Due to their small size, Gnomes also gain a bonus of -2 to their armor class when being attacked by creatures larger than man-sized. They also are excellent at hiding in forests, since they’ve lived there their whole lives, and can vanish in underbrush half of the time (3 – in – 6). All Gnomes speak Common, Gnomish, and the alignment tongue of the character, plus the languages of Dwarves, Kobolds, and Goblins.

XP Requirements

As Fighter/Halfling (2000XP for 1st level)

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Here's some rules for various town services and mishaps!